
The Alcméon for Salesforce package automates the creation and updating of the alcmeon__Conversation__c custom objects, for eligible social media conversations when your organization is linked to an Alcméon environment. This object is first created when a conversation is transferred from Alcméon to Salesforce, then updated as needed. Once a conversation closes in Alcméon, the package updates the alcmeon__Status__cfield within the object to reflect a status of CLOSED.

👤 The Salesforce administrator is responsible for for effectively managing standard Salesforce objects, such as Cases, through each stage of the alcmeon__Conversation__c objects.

The alcmeon__Conversation__c custom object contains the following fields:

Field label API name Data type Field required From version Description
Account alcmeon__Account__c Lookup(Account) No 1.0 Used to link the object to a PersonAccount when the PersonAccount mode is enabled (mutually exclusive usage with the alcmeon__Contact__c field).
Alcmeon Conversation ID Name Auto Number Yes 1.0 Auto increment ID.
Alcméon scoped ID alcmeon__scoped_id__c Text(30) (External ID) Yes 1.0 Alcméon conversation external ID.

Important Note: The format of these IDs is considered an internal implementation detail and it may change without notice. As such, you should avoid relying on or altering the content of these IDs in your tests. If you need to mock these IDs for integration unit tests, it's important to note that they are formatted as four fields separated by colons (":"). For testing purposes, the specific content of these fields isn't significant.
Case alcmeon__Case__c Lookup(Case) No 1.0 ID of the Case created upon the creation of an alcmeon__Conversation__c object.
Channel specific user data alcmeon__Channel_specific_user_data__c Long Text Area(131072) No 5.31 A JSON string with the user data specific to the conversation channel (social network), such as app_user_id for a KakaoTalk account.
Contact alcmeon__Contact__c Lookup(Contact) No 1.0 Used to link the object to a Contact when the PersonAccount mode is not enabled (mutually exclusive usage with the alcmeon__Account__c field).
Conversation custom fields Conversation_custom_fields Long Text Area(131072) No 5.3 Deprecated.
Conversation type alcmeon__Conversation_type__c Text(255) No 1.2 Type of the conversation.
The possible values depends on the social network (see alcmeon__Social_media_type__c):

- For Twitter: Direct Messages, @mentions

- For Facebook: Messenger, Open posts, Wall comments, Ad comments, Events, Facebook Ratings

- For Instagram: Comments, Mentions, Instagram Direct

- For Google My Business: Review

- For Whatsapp: Whatsapp Messages

- For Apple Business Chat: Apple Business Chat messages

- For AlcmeonChat: inMessage

- For Wechat: Wechat Messages

- For Trustpilot: Service Review, Product Review

- For Line: Line Messages

- For KakaoTalk: Kakaotalk Messages

- For Linkedin: LinkedIn comments

- For Tiktok: TikTok comments

These fields are for human only: there is no guarantee that the above values will not change in the future.
Company ID alcmeon__Company_id__c Number No 5.10 Unique identifier for the Alcméon environment associated with this conversation.
Created By CreatedById Lookup(User) Yes 1.0 ID of the Salesforce User that has given authorization to Alcméon to make API calls.
Engagement Sender Email alcmeon__Engagement_Sender_Email__c Text(255) Yes 1.0 If applicable, this field contains the email of the advisor who initiated the conversation by sending an engagement message to the recipient.
First message date alcmeon__First_message_date__c Date/Time Yes 1.0 Datetime of the first message of the conversation.
From SF Queue ID alcmeon__From_SF_Queue_Id__c Text(20) No 2.3 Salesforce ID of the queue used when transferring conversation from Salesforce to Alcméon (as defined in the mapping configured in Alcméon in team-based routing mode).
Language iso code alcmeon__tag_lang_iso_code__c Text(3) No 3.3 Iso code of the language: normalized value of alcmeon__tag_1__c (e.g. en for english), else default value is -.
Last action advisor ID alcmeon__Last_action_advisor_id__c Text(255) No 2.5 Alcméon ID of the last advisor that has processed the conversation in Alcméon, or Alcméon ID of the default bot if no advisor has processed the conversation yet.
Last action advisor name alcmeon__Last_action_advisor_name__c Text(255) No 2.5 Name of the last advisor that has processed the conversation in Alcméon.
Last action advisor email alcmeon__Last_action_advisor_email__c Text(80) No 3.1 Email of the last advisor who has processed the conversation in Alcméon if not a bot, else -.
Last message date alcmeon__Last_message_date__c Date/Time Yes 1.0 Datetime of the last message of the conversation.
Last Modified By LastModifiedById Lookup(User) Yes 1.0 ID of the Salesforce User that modified the object for the last time.
Messages alcmeon__Messages__c Rich Text Area(131072) No 1.0 Latest messages of the conversation (HTML and CSS Formatted)

Important Notes:

  • Twitter Restrictions: Alcméon is prohibited from transferring usernames, message contents, or attachments from Twitter to third parties, including clients. As a result, no Twitter content will be synced in this field.
  • Human-Readable Content: This field is intended for human use only. The format may change without notice, so do not attempt to parse or modify this field. For displaying conversation content, use the Alcméon conversation widget instead. See the FAQ for more details.
Owner OwnerId Lookup(User,Group) Yes 1.0 Salesforce owner ID of the object.
Rating scale alcmeon__Rating_scale__c Number(5, 0) No 5.31 When ratings are supported by the social network, this field represents the rating scale or maximum possible value for a rating (nullable).
Rating value alcmeon__Rating_value__c Number(5, 2) No 5.31 When ratings are supported by the social network, this field represents the rating value associated with a message in the conversation (if any).
Routing Queue ID alcmeon__Routing_Queue_Id__c Text(20) No 1.5 Deprecated. Not to be used anymore.
Social media account alcmeon__Social_media_account__c Text(255) Yes 1.0 Name of the social media account/page.
Social media external ID alcmeon__Social_media_external_id__c Text(255) No 2.4 External ID of the social media page.

Important Notes:

  • For WhatsApp On-premises accounts, the unique identifier corresponds to the phone number of the social media account. For example, it might be in the format 33677889922.
  • For WhatsApp Cloud API accounts, the unique identifier is an external ID and is not related to the phone number.
Social media type alcmeon__Social_media_type__c Text(255) No 1.1 Social media.

Possible values:
- Gbm
- Gmb
- Business-chat
- Webchat
- Facebook
- Instagram
- Kakaotalk
- Line
- Linkedin
- Tiktok
- Trustpilot, Twitter
- Wechat
- Whatsapp
Status alcmeon__Status__c Picklist No 2.4 Status of the conversation in Alcméon: Opened, Closed.
tag_1 to tag_10 alcmeon__tag_1__c to alcmeon__tag_10__c Text(255) No 1.0 Alcméon conversation tags. Format: <tag group name>:<tag value>.

Example: team:care
tag_1_id to tag_10_id alcmeon__tag_1_id__c to alcmeon__tag_10_id__c Text(30) No 3.9 Alcméon ID of conversation tags. Format: <tag group ID>:<tag value ID> (or only : if no tag set).

Example: 1:2
To SF Queue ID alcmeon__To_SF_Queue_Id__c Text(20) No 2.3 Salesforce ID of the queue used when transferring conversation from Alcméon to Salesforce (as defined in the mapping configured in Alcméon in Omnichannel mode).
url alcmeon__url__c URL(255) Yes 1.0 Url of the conversation in Alcméon.

NB: the url is updated each time a new message from the user is received.
User custom fields alcmeon__User_custom_fields__c Long Text Area(131072) No 5.3 List of custom fields defined for the Alcméon user in JSON format, e.g. [{"field_id": 345, "field_label": "label", "field_value": "VALUE"}]

Note: For a custom field of type phone number, the format of the value is:
    "country_prefix": "+33",
    "number": "0677889922"
User external ID alcmeon__User_external_id__c Text(255) No 2.4 External ID of the user in the social media.
User name alcmeon__User_name__c Text(255) No 1.2 Name of the contact in the social network.