Outgoing email (SPF and DKIM setup)

This page will drive you how to permit Alcmeon plaftform to send mails originating from your domain.


This configuration is mandatory only if you have SPF and DKIM setup on your mail infrastructure.

Configuration Setup

All changes required to implement SPF and DKIM has to be done in DNS zone of the domain that will be used to as domain for sending mail.

For instance if the mail address used is <notification@subdomain.example.com> (we suggest to use a dedicated subdomain for sending mail)

  1. Add Alcmeon mails server to your SPF record. You have to add a:email.alcmeon.com.
  2. Add Alcmeon DKIM public selector. Create the following DNS record (replace $subdomain by your subdomain)
    alcmeon-ext._domainkey.$subdomain IN TXT "v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDMzjsLyGA2e912f+6DcwDBJL47L/rqfDwmK6NAYzSceU6YUdo6JrkYo8VvjKjElG4Vx1uz/ccuZMh2zSoki7Jb8FKOTY5DHguKToZBiE1ySUB0sPa3S1OEBfMLMBEPfm39bERFF4yZV3xduxxKF5sd8KS1oB+nJRsqaV75LH6woQIDAQAB"

Configuration Validation

Now you need to check if the configuration works as expected.

  1. Go to the site DKIMvalidator and copy the email address provided
  2. Access the Alcmeon platform, and go the email configuration section
  3. Send a mail to the address retrieved in step 1.
  4. Wait 1 minute and press the button "View the result"

Should you need help, contact our support.