
The Alcméon for Salesforce does not create the alcmeon__Engagement__c custom objects nor make API calls to detect when these objects are created. First, this object must be created manually or via a specific integration process, including specifying the necessary sender and recipient IDs, and linked to a Case. Once an engagement message is successfully sent using the Engagement Page in the Conversation widget displayed within this Case, the package will automatically update the alcmeon__Engagement__c object accordingly with relevant sending information.

👤 The Salesforce administrator is responsible for effectively managing standard Salesforce objects, such as Cases, through each stage of the alcmeon__Engagement__c object lifecycle.

The alcmeon__Engagement__c custom object contains the following fields:

Field label API name Data type Field required From version Description
Alcmeon Conversation alcmeon__Conversation__c Lookup(alcmeon__Conversation__c) No 5.34 ID of the Alcmeon Conversation initiated from the engagement, if existing.
Alcmeon Engagement Id Name Auto Number Yes 5.34 Auto increment ID.
Case alcmeon__Case__c Lookup(Case) No 5.34 ID of the parent Case from which the engagement is initiated.

Important Note:

This field isn’t populated automatically by the Alcméon for Salesforce package; it must be manually populated by the process responsible for creating the Engagement object.
Created By CreatedById Lookup(User) Yes 5.34 ID of the Salesforce User who created the Engagement object.
Language alcmeon__Language_locale__c Text(10) No 5.34 Locale specifying the language in which the engagement message has been sent.
Last Modified By LastModifiedById Lookup(User) Yes 5.34 ID of the Salesforce User who modified the object for the last time.
Message Content alcmeon__Message_Content__c Rich Text Area(131072) No 5.34 The content of the message used to engage with the recipient.
Message Send Error alcmeon__Message_Send_Error__c Long Text Area(131072) No 5.34 Stores error information when the engagement message fails to send.

Important Note:

This field isn’t usable for now as not yet populated automatically by the Alcméon for Salesforce package.
Owner OwnerId Lookup(User,Group) Yes 5.34 Salesforce owner ID of the object.
Recipient Id alcmeon__Recipient_Id__c Long Text Area(32768) No 5.34 A JSON string containing a key-value pair that represents the external ID of the social media user who has given consent to receive messages, when the Alcmeon Engagement page is displayed within the Alcmeon Conversation widget.

Important Note: This field must be manually populated by the process that creates the Engagement object; otherwise, the engagement message cannot be sent.

Supported keys are:
  • phoneNumber for the phone number of the social media user (WhatsApp), in the format with the country prefix followed by the phone number, (without leading '+'): 33677889922.
  • externalId for the external ID of the social media user.
  • kktAppUserId for the KakaoTalk app user ID.
  • kktUserKey for the KakaoTalk user key.
    "phoneNumber": "33677889922"
Recipient Name alcmeon__Recipient_Name__c Text(255) No 5.34 Name of the social media user who has given consent to receive messages.
Sender Email alcmeon__Sender_Email__c Text(255) No 5.34 Email of the advisor who sent the message to engage the recipient.
Sender Id alcmeon__Sender_Id__c Long Text Area(32768) No 5.34 A JSON string containing a key-value pair that represents the external ID of the social media account used to engage with the recipient, when the Alcmeon Engagement page is displayed within the Alcmeon Conversation widget.

Important Note: This field must be manually populated by the process that creates the Engagement object; otherwise, the engagement message cannot be sent.

Supported keys are:
  • phoneNumber for the phone number of the social media account used to engage with the recipient (WhatsApp), in the format with the country prefix followed by the phone number, (without leading '+'): 33677889922.
  • externalId for the external ID of the social media account used to engage with the recipient.
  • alcmeonId for the Alcmeon ID of the the social media account used to engage with the recipient..
    "phoneNumber": "33677889944"
Sent At alcmeon__Sent_At__c Date/Time No 5.34 Approximate date and time the message was sent to engage the recipient (UTC).
Social Media Account alcmeon__Social_Media_Account__c Text(255) No 5.34 The name of the social media account used to engage with the recipient.
Social Media Type alcmeon__Social_Media_Type__c Text(255) No 5.34 The type of the social media account used to engage with the recipient.

  • Whatsapp
  • KakaoTalk
  • Line
  • etc.
Template Name alcmeon__Template_Name__c Text(255) No 5.34 The name of the template message used to engage with the recipient.