File Format Reference

Links between files


One row per social account connected to Alcméon.

idintegerAlcméon id of the social account
typestringSocial account type. Legal values: business_chat, facebook, gbm, gmb, instagram2, trustpilot, twitter, wechat, webchat, whatsapp, tiktok.
namestringName of social account, as displayed in the Alcméon GUI
external_idstringThe external identifier coming from the social network API
alt_external_idstringAn alternative external identifier coming from the social network API


One row per site_group created in Alcmeon

idintegerA unique stable id associated with this site_group
namestringThe name of the site group as displayed in the Alcméon user interface
typestringThe social account type. Legal values: business_chat, facebook, gbm, gmb, instagram2, trustpilot, twitter, wechat, webchat, whatsapp,line, kakaotalk, linkedin, tiktok.
nb_of_sites_in_groupintegerThe number of sites connected to the group


One row per site created in Alcmeon

site_idintegerA unique stable id associated with this site_group
group_ididA reference to the id column of the sitegroups.csv file. This can be null if the account is not linked to any group


One row per tag defined in Alcméon.

idintegerA unique stable id for this tag
is_nonebooleantrue if this tag is the default value, false otherwise
namestringName of tag, displayed to Agents


One row per message received on one of the social accounts connected within our application.

idintegerA unique stable id associated with this message
site_idintegerA reference to the id column of the sites.csv file
typestringType of message received. See below for the list of all types allowed and their meaning.
tagsstringA list of references to the id column of the tags.csv file, comma-separated. Example: 1,2,5,10
message_is_deletedinteger1 if the message has been deleted by its author within the source social media, 0 otherwise.
message_contentstringContent of message. On twitter, this field is empty.
message_external_idstringThe native unique id associated with this message within the source social network.
message_external_urlstringA url where you should be able to view this message in the source social network.
message_from_idintegerA unique internal id that identifies the author of this message.
message_from_namestringThe name of the author of this message.
message_from_external_idstringThe native unique id associated with the author of this message within the source social network.
message_created_timestringdate/time when this message was written.
conversation_idintegerA unique id associated with the conversation this message belongs to.
rating_valueintegerAn integer referring to the rating value given by the user for this message.

The list of existing message types is documented below.

Channel (tasks.csv:type)Source social media (sites.csv:type)Description
tw-@mentiontwitterTweets which @mention your Twitter account.
tw-dmtwitterPrivate messages (aka Direct Messages).
fb-pmfacebookPrivate messages (aka Messenger).
fb-user-postfacebookPublic posts authored by a customer on your page.
fb-newsfacebookPublic comments by a customer on a publication you authored.
fb-adfacebookPublic comments by a customer on an Ad you published (a comment on a Dark Post)
fb-ratingfacebookA public rating on your page.
wc-pmwechatA message on Wechat
instagram-commentsinstagram2Public instagram comment on a publication you authored
instagram-live-commentsinstagram2Public instagram live comments
instagram-privateinstagram2Private Instagram message (aka Instagram Direct)
instagram-story-mentioninstagram2Notification of a user mentioning your account in one of his stories (your answer will be private)
instagram-story-replyinstagram2Notification of a user commenting on of your stories (your answer will be private)
webchat-msgwebchatPrivate message on Alcméon’s WebChat
gmb-reviewsgmbPublic Google review on one of your locations
gbm-messagesgbmPrivate message on Google Business Message
whatsapp-msgwhatsappPrivate message on Whatsapp
business-chat-msgbusiness-chatPrivate message on Apple Business Chat
trustpilot-service-reviewtrustpilotPublic Trustpilot service review
trustpilot-product-reviewtrustpilotPublic Trustpilot product review
kakaotalk-msgkakaotalkPrivate Kakao Talk message
line-msglinePrivate Line message


One row per task. This file is not currently exported. It will be exported sometime during the month of April 2022.

task_idintegerA unique id associated with the task. It references tasks.csv:id
user_group_idintegerA unique id associated with the author of the message associated with the task. This id can be used with the GET /custom-fields/users/{user_id} and PUT /custom-fields/users/{user_id} APIs.
user_group_custom_fieldsjsonA list of objects with two fields: field_id and field_value, where field_id is an integer and field_value's type depends on the type of the underlying field. Example: [{"field_id": 1, field_value: 23}, {"field_id": 2, field_value: "a string"}]
conversation_idintegerA unique id associated with the task's conversation. It references tasks.csv:conversation_id. This id can be used with the GET /custom-field/conversations/{conversation_id} and PUT /custom-field/conversations/{conversation_id} APIs.
conversation_custom_fieldsjsonA list of objects with two fields: field_id and field_value, where field_id is an integer and field_value's type depends on the type of the underlying field. Example: `[{"field_id": 1, field_value: 23}, {"field_id": 2, field_value: "a string"}]

Users and Teams


One row per agent.

idintegerA unique id associated with the agent.
emailstringThe email address used by the agent to login.
realnamestringUsername, displayed in the Alcméon user interface.
is_activeinteger1 if user is active, 0 otherwise.
is_company_admininteger1 if user is an admin, 0 otherwise.
langstringlang code selected by the agent to translate and localize the Alcméon user interface.
is_botinteger1 if user is a bot, 0 otherwise. This column does not currently exist. It will be added in November 2022.


One row per Team.

idintegerA unique id associated with the Team.
namestringThe name of the team, displayed in the Alcméon user interface


One row for each team a user belongs to.

user_idintegerA reference to the id column of the users.csv file.
team_idintegerA reference to the id column of the teams.csv file.



One row per action performed by an Agent.

idintegerA unique id associated with the action.
site_idintegerA reference to the id column of the sites.csv file.
typestringType of action. All supported values are documented next.
task_idintegerA reference to the id column of the tasks.csv file.
assigned_user_idintegerA reference to the id column of the users.csv file. This uniquely identifies the user who performed this action.
done_timestringdate/time when the Agent performed this action.
in_errorstring"yes" if an error occured while performing this action, "no" ortherwise.

The list of existing action types is documented below.

Type of actionDescription
answeredAn answer has been sent to a customer, either by an Agent or a bot.
archivedA message has been archived, by an Agent or a bot.
auto-archivedA message has been archived automatically.
commentAn Agent annotated an incoming message.
help_requestAn Agent requested help from a supervisor
help_answerA supervisor replied to a help request
acquiredAn agent acquired (assigned to himself) a message to process it.
releasedAn agent moved a message that was assigned to himself back to the received inbox.
stealAn Agent changed the ownership of a message from another Agent to himself.
first_seenAn agent opened the for the first time the processing page associated with a message that was assigned to him.
tagAn agent or a bot has set a tag value on a message.
execute-answerAlcméon sent via the social media API an answer after it was logged by an Agent or a Bot via an action of type "answer".
facebook_likeSocial network-specific action
facebook_unlikeSocial network-specific action
facebook_hideSocial network-specific action
facebook_unhideSocial network-specific action
facebook_banSocial network-specific action
facebook_unbanSocial network-specific action
facebook_deleteSocial network-specific action
twitter_followSocial network-specific action
twitter_unfollowSocial network-specific action
twitter_blockSocial network-specific action
twitter_unblockSocial network-specific action
twitter_favoriteSocial network-specific action
twitter_unfavoriteSocial network-specific action
twitter_retweetSocial network-specific action
twitter_unretweetSocial network-specific action
twitter_deleteSocial network-specific action


One row per human answer. This file provides more detailed information about an human answer than the actions.csv file.

action_idintegerA reference to the id column of the actions.csv file
answer_contentstringcontent of answer
answer_sent_timestringdate/time when this answer was sent


One row per archive action.

action_idintegerA reference to the id column of the actions.csv file
group_sizeintegerIf empty, a single message was archived. If not empty, the Agent archived mutiple messages with a single click and the content of this column is the number of messages archived.


action_idintegerA duplicate of actions.csv:id where type = "comment"
textstringThe text of the annotation


action_idintegerA duplicate of actions.csv:id where type = "help_request"
textstringThe text of the help request


action_idintegerA duplicate of actions.csv:id where type = "help_answer"
textstringThe text of the help request answer


Optin-related files will be exported after september 1st 2022


One row per optin.

idintegerA unique id for this optin
namestringThe name of the optin
typestringThe type of the optin. Valid values are: "default", "recurring-notification-messenger"


One row per optin or optout event.

optin_idintegerA reference to the optins.csv:id column.
datetimestringThe Date and Time of the event in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezone.
typestringThe type of event. Possible values: "optin", "optout".
site_idintegerA reference to the id column of the sites.csv file.
user_external_idstringThe native id of the user who triggered this event. On Whatsapp, this is a phone number. On Messenger, this is a PSID. etc.
optout_reasonstringA string indicating why the user was optout


One row per login or logout event

user_idintegerA reference to the id column of the users.csv file.
user_namestringName of user. Duplicated from users.csv:realname
user_emailstringEmail of user. Duplicated from users.csv:email
datestringdate/time of event
actionstringType of action. Possible values: login, logout.



One row per NPS score assigned by a customer.

created_timestringdate/time when the satisfaction survey was sent.
site_idintegerA reference to the id column of the sites.csv file.
task_idintegerA reference to the id column of the tasks.csv file.
admin_user_idintegerA reference to the id column of the users.csv file.
note_npsintegerNPS score


One row per first answer sent for a message by an Agent.

done_timestringdate/time when the answer was sent.
action_idintegerA reference to the id column of the actions.csv file.
task_idintegerA reference to the id column of the tasks.csv file
delay_sintegerDelay calculated as "done_time - tasks.csv:message_created_time"
bh_delay_sintegerThe same delay as above, excluding the business hours of the team the message was routed to when the agent answered.
bh_after_tagging_delay_sintegerDelay calculated as "done_time - time_when_message_was_routed_to_team_who_answered", excluding the business hours of the corresponding team.


One row per first answer sent in a conversation by an Agent. Note that first-human-answer-delays.csv and this file differ subtly but significantly: in the former, there will be one entry per first answer per incoming message while in the latter, there will be one entry per conversation.

conversation_idintegerA duplicate of tasks.csv:conversation_id
done_timestringA duplicate of actions.csv:done_time
action_idintegerA reference to the id column of the actions.csv file. It references the answer action performed by the Agent.
task_idintegerA reference to the id column of the tasks.csv file. It references the message the agent replied to.
delay_sintegerDelay calculated as "done_time - tasks.csv:message_created_time"
bh_delay_sintegerThe same delay as above, excluding the business hours of the team the message was routed to when the agent answered.
bh_after_tagging_delay_sintegerDelay calculated as "done_time - time_when_message_was_routed_to_team_who_answered", excluding the business hours of the corresponding team.

Satisfaction surveys


One row per rating made by a user. Available after October 1st 2023

survey_rating_datestringDate/time the rating was made by the user.
survey_ratingintegerSurvey score given by the user. Contains the label of the button the client clicked on.
survey_rating_typeintegerType of the “Feedback” box used in the survey scenario. Can be either “NPS”, “CSAT”, “CES”, “NES” or “Custom”
survey_rating_type_custom_nameintegerIn case of survey_rating_type=”custom”, this is the “name” given in the “Feedback” box.
survey_rating_messageintegerMessage sent to the user that was set up in the “Feedback” box.
survey_sent_timestringDate/time when this answer was sentUnique ID of the action of sending the survey
survey_sent_modestring“human” or “bot”
survey_idintegerUnique ID of the action of sending the survey
survey_namestringThe name given to the survey (ie the scenario) created in Alcméon
site_idintegerA reference to the id column of the sites.csv file.
conversation_idintegerA unique id associated with the conversation this message (the rating) belongs to.

Note: this is always empty for a survey sent by a bot scenario.
task_idintegerA reference to the id column of the tasks.csv file for the message that triggered the survey

Note: this is always empty for a survey sent by a bot scenario.
message_from_idintegerA unique internal id that identifies the author of this message that triggered the survey.
message_from_namestringThe name of the author of this message that triggered the survey.
message_from_external_idstringThe native unique id associated with the author of this message that triggered the survey within the source social network.
tagsstringA list of references to the id column of the tags.csv file, comma-separated. Example: 1,2,5,10. Here they are the tags of the message from which the survey was sent.

Note: this is always empty for a survey sent by a bot scenario.
last_user_id_who_answeredintegerA reference to the id column of the users.csv file for the last human agent that answered in the conversation that triggered the survey

Note: this is always empty for a survey sent by a bot scenario.


One row per verbatim left by a user. Available after October 1st 2023

survey_verbatim_datestringDate/time when the verbatim was sent.
survey_verbatimstringText message sent as a verbatim by the user.
survey_verbatim_messagestringMessage sent to the user that was set up in the survey scenario and that contains the “user input” exit with “verbatim” checked before the user sent the verbatim.
survey_sent_timestringDate/time when this answer was sent
survey_sent_modestring“human” or “bot”
survey_idintegerUnique ID of the survey sent (really it is the task_id from which the survey was sent)
survey_namestringThe name given to the survey (ie the scenario) created in Alcméon
site_idintegerA reference to the id column of the sites.csv file.
conversation_idintegerA unique id associated with the conversation this message (the rating) belongs to.

Note: this is always empty for a survey sent by a bot scenario.
task_idintegerA reference to the id column of the tasks.csv file for the message that triggered the survey.

Note: this is always empty for a survey sent by a bot scenario.
message_from_idintegerA unique internal id that identifies the author of this message that triggered the survey.
message_from_namestringThe name of the author of this message that triggered the survey.
message_from_external_idstringThe native unique id associated with the author of this message that triggered the survey within the source social network.
tagsstringA list of references to the id column of the tags.csv file, comma-separated. Example: 1,2,5,10. Here they are the tags of the message from which the survey was sent.

Note: this is always empty for a survey sent by a bot scenario.
last_user_id_who_answeredintegerA reference to the id column of the users.csv file for the last human agent that answered in the conversation that triggered the survey

Note: this is always empty for a survey sent by a bot scenario.